Curiosity has been a steadfast mate, guiding me on my destined path.
I am naturally curious, with ‘nature’ being fundamental in that I believe. Perhaps because I have been a child of wild nature all my life I was given the gift of living furiously in wonder Wonder evokes curiosity.
I remember that one of my dear teachers of nature-based work, Steven Foster, once told me that curiosity was one of the most important qualities that I must have in order to do well in guiding vision quests and other such Earth-based ceremonies. Being able to love unconditionally was another.
To be curious about another, invites their story…invites intimacy…invites wonder!! ‘In to me see’…when another is curious about me and asks, I get to see more about myself, and them!!
One of my own vision quests, nearly 18 years ago now, opened that territory for me and I learned SO much. I returned with a longing to be intimate with all things!! In opening to that, I have looked with fascination into a rich diversity of mirrors of myself, countless times.
It always leaves me grateful.
I have been left dumbfounded again and again in my life that in certain conversations, often with men, it was not uncommon for them to never ask me anything about me. Granted, I perhaps am so full of curiosity that I ask too many question of them, but this has been reported to me by other women as well.
I do not mean to demean men here, but it does leave me curious…again!! What is it that goes on there?
Is curiosity a more feminine trait?
Do people fail to ask because they feel it is prying?
I want to trust that people will take care of themselves and only share what feels right to share, so that may not hold water.
Curiosity is a gift, a show of interest, of intrigue. I am flattered when someone is genuinely curious about me…and when it is reciprocal, it feeds a mutual bond of humanity between us.
We live in a time overflowing with information…we can go to a computer for endless answers. But there is nothing more mysterious and wondrous and rich in feeling and story and vision, than another being…human or not. Perhaps if we were more curious about the world of another, we would be less likely to do any form of violence to them…we might see more of our similarities and less of our differences. We might see the wonder of a mystery that has us united as residents of this planet at this time.
Let’s not miss our chance to imbibe in the mystery that we call Other.
Get curious!